Spelt salad with cherry tomatoes and beans

  • Insalata di farro con pomodorini e fagioli


250 g of pearl spelt
400 g of cherry tomatoes 
50 g of boiled white beans
2 oranges
1 red Tropea onion
1 zucchini
1/2 celery
olive oil



Wash the spelt and let it cook in boiling salted water for about 40 minutes, then drain it and wash it. Wash cherry tomatoes, cut them in cloves, then reduce them in two halves and salt them. Peel the onion and cut it: Wash the zucchini and cut it into slices; peel the oranges and remove their seeds. Wash the celery and cut it. Put in a salad bowl the spelt, cherry tomatoes, the onion, the zucchini, the celery, the beans and the orange cloves. Dress with some salt, 2 spoons of oil and mix. Distribute the salad in single plates and serve.

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