Eating without...

Eating without...

Food is a serious thing and it is important for our health. Here are some advice to abandone bad food habits.

Everybody knows that we have to eat in a healthy and natural way. Everybody knows that food is a serious thing and it is important for our healthy.
The habit doesn't help in these cases, because it isn't easy to abandone a certain lifestyle to adopt another one that requires other food habits.
Eating healthy is not easy, but it means adapt our food habits, changing some dishes with others healthier.

Many times we spoke aboute the importance of eating seasonal fruit and vegetables, prefering whole flours with respect to the refined ones, eating also cereals rich of fibers, minerals and proteins.

Here are our advice for a diet without.

GLUTEN - less gluten, more variety

Gluten intolerance is a disease, but eating gluten free food is not a bad habit. changin your diet and eating gluten free food is synonime of a responsible behaviour. As everything, also too much gluten is not so good for your body. Eating gluten free food is good for your body and it gives benefits to people that decide to change diet adding new cereals or legumes that don't contain this vegetable protein. Dieticians say that it is important to change your diet everyday, but this was known to Rudolf Steiner, who said that food had a therapeutic value and suggested to eat cereals. He encouraged different cereals every day of the week. Changing is the password for everyone, the important thing is adding new food in your diet and giving to your body all possible benefits using food as a source of energy.        







SALTless salt, more health

Limiting the consumption of salti s better for your body. The daily consumption of salt by people leaving in Italy is equal to 10 g, coming above all from products like bread, cheese, ready food and cold cuts.
Salt gives a best taste to many dishes and it helps to keep food. It regulates the body’s equilibrium. So, it musn’t be eliminated, but you can’t eat it too much. Some advice:
- Use a small spoon (not the hands) to balance salt.                                                                                – When you cook pasta add salt when water boils: it is easier to dissolve it and it is easier to balance the quantity; this doesn’t happen if the salti s put when water is still cold.
- Salt should be put on the meat when it is cooked so that it remains soft and tasty.
- Limit the quantity of salt added during the cooking like dressing with oil and vinegar. This doesn’t mean disadvantage food’s tasty.
- Iodised salt is useful to thyroid: it is good for children, but not for people that are affected by hyperthyroidism.
- Himalaya pink salt, for example, is pink thanks to the content of iron content: it doesn’t come from refining process and it has all the trace elements that the body needs. It is the rich of 84 pure mineral salts: it has lower percentage of sodium chloride with respect to the common kitchen salt and it helps to avoid dammages due to the excess.
- Ideal to dress white fish, eggs and soups, Cyprus black salt is enrich with charcoal coming from burning cortex of sweet wooden, linden, brich and willow that make it precious to take care about intestinal condition.
- Persia blue salt, rich of sylvite, has a spiced taste and it is appreciated the kitchen: it has magnesium and calcium, important for the development of bones, teeth and potassium that avoids tiredness.
- Source of iron, Hawaii red salt is appropriate for meat and grilled fish and to decorate dishes.
- whole sea salt  è is appreciated because it hasn’t any bitter aftertaste and for this reason it is defined “sweet salt”.





SUGAR less sugar, more line

An exceeding consumption can increase obesity risk and it can cause heart diseases and many other complications. World Health Organization advise not to overcome 25 g of sugar on a day, but the excess is easy if you think that 33 cl of Coca Cola contain 39 g. And added sugars are inside all types of dishes.
Reducing the consumption of sugar is a good choice, buti t is difficult understanding where to start from. Here are some changes to introduce in your daily routine that in the end will become a habit.
- Let’s begin from coffee, where people usually put two small spoons of sugar. Try to reduce quantity that you use gradually, and combine coffee to milk or whole yogurt.
- Abandone gaz drinks, either they are dietary or classic, they increase a person’s weight

- Drink more water. Are you sure to be hungry? It can be that you are thirsty. Try to drink a glass of water and wait a moment. If you feel better, your body was trying to communicate that needed to be hydrated.
- Munch on something healthy before going shopping. Cornell University’s reaserchers showed that having a healthy break, for example with an apple, before going to supermarket has an impact on customers so that they will buy 25% more of fruit and vegetables.  If you put less food with sugar inside your trolley, there will be less food with sugar in your house and, as a consequence, in your stomach.


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