Croissant with puff pastry flour

  • Croissant with puff pastry flour


Dough for 16 croissant or so:
500 g of Molino Rossetto puff pastry flour
1 little egg yolk
80 g of sugar
15 g of fresh brewer’s yeast
9 g of salt
150 ml of water
105 ml of milk
25 g of butter
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
orange zest
lemon zest
Per il procedimento:
290 g of butter
1 egg white
white or raw cane sugar




Knead flour with egg yolk, sugar, yeast and milk; then add salt, butter, flavours and knead until the dough will be smooth and uniform. Cover with clingfilm and let it rest in the fridge for 2 hours or so.

Meanwhile bring the cold butter, dust it with flour, cover it with clingfilm and hit with a rolling pin until it has a thickness of 0,5 cm (it has to be wide as the dough and long 2/3 of it).
Let it rest in the fridge cover with clingfilm.

Roll up the dough in a rectangle (20 x 40 cm or so) with a thickness of 1 cm or so. Lay down the butter on the dough letting free 1/3 of the length and 1 cm on the sides. Bring free side on the butter and close it with the remaining part, then seal the pat with fingers. Make 3 folds and let it rest for 1 hour or so in the fridge to 4°C. Make the same passage for 3 times.

Roll up the pastry in rectangle with a thickness of 6 mm or so and cut some isosceles triangles (height 20 x base 8 cm or so). Make the croissant; then let them rise covered with clingfilm for 2 hours or so to a temperature of 20°C, until they double in size.

In the end, paint the surface of the croissant with the beaten egg white, dust with icing sugar and bake for 6 minutes to 200°C, reduce to 180°C and bake for 10 minutes or so.

Recipe by Paoletta - Aniceecannella.

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