• Torta frangipane con fragole e frutto della passione


150 gr of soft butter

150 gr of sugar
grated lemon peel
1 egg
60 g of almonds flour Molino Rossetto
5 g of cakes yeast
100 g of common wheat whole flour Molino Rossetto
70 g of flour type 00 Molino Rossetto
40 g of almonds
To decorate:
180 ml of cream
2 passion fruit
100 g of strawberries
1 spoon of sugar
1 spoon of orange juice


Cut strawberries in thick pieces and put them in a bowl with a spoon of liquor, orange juice and sugar. Mix for at least 30 minutes. Preheat the oven at 180°C. Shake butter with sugar until you obtain a soft compound. Add the egg and shake it until it is well incorporated. Add flours , lemon peel and yeast. Mix the dough and put it in a pan with some butter. Use a mold of 22 cm of diameter or 2 pans for pies. Cook for about 20-30 minutes checking the cooking. If it is too coloured put some oven paper on the surface of the cake. Remove from the oven and let it cool. Decorate with toasted almonds. Distribute some spoons of cream and strawberries deprived of their juice. Complete with passion fruit pulp Recipe of: 

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