Soft little flat breads

  • Focaccine morbide


200 g of flour for pizza Molino Rossetto
100 g of potatoes
1 pack of dry brewery’s yeast (to dissolve in water) 
enough water to obtain an homogenous and elastic dough
enough evo oil
enough salt
for the stuff
anchovy,  pachino cherry tomatoes, mozzarella


Boil potatoes with the peel. Drain them, peel them and press them. Put flour for pizza Molino Rossetto on the pan with lukewarm mashed potatoes and the yeast dissolved in some water. Add some salt and start kneading adding enough water gradually in order to obtain a homogenous and elastic dough. Then add some olive oil. Divide the dough in small round flat breads, put them on a pan with oven paper and let it rise in a repaired place for at least two hours. Warm the oven and cook flat breads at 200°. When it is almost ready stuff them with mozzarella, anchovy and pachino cherry tomatoes.

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