Burnt wheat loafs
400 g of flour type 0 Molino Rossetto
100 g of burnt wheat flour Molino Rossetto
140 g of white wine
140 g of olive oil
10 g of salt
Pour flours and salt in a bowl, mix with wine and oil and add to flours. Knead until you obtain a homogenous dough. Let the dough rest at ambient temperature for 30 minutes, covered with a towel. Go on kneading the dough and divide it in pieces of 10 g each: this process allows to obtain loafs of the same size. Form some small loafs and boil some water in a pot, put loafs gradually and drain them when they come out. Let them dry on a towel until they got cold. Put loafs on a pan covered with oven paper and put them in the oven at 200°C for about 30-35 minutes (our advice is to check the cooking after 30 minutes and, if it is necessary, go on cooking).
Let them cool and serve them. Recipe and picture from Chiara Rossetto’s blog Un Tocco di Rossetto: http://www.untoccodirossetto.com/taralli-al-grano-arso/