Polenta savoury pie with soft heart
For 8 pies
200 g of mix for instant polenta Molino Rossetto
750 ml of water
enough salt
100 g of montasio cheese
40 g of grated parmesan
50 g spicy gorgonzola
enough oil
5 black pepper berries
Cut montasio cheese in slices not too thin, divide gorgonzola in pieces. Boil 750 ml of salted water in a casserole. Remove the pot from the fire and pour 200g of mix for instant polenta and mix. Put the casserole on the fire until polenta is firm. Put some oil on 8 aluminium molds and fill ¾ of them with instant polenta. When it has completely got cold, overturn molds on an oven pan with some olive oil. Make some wholes with a knife on the pies. Dress pies with some oil and put them in the oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes. Serve pies with some black pepper.