FLOUR TYPE 1 - 17,64 OZ (500 G)

Confezione da 1 kg

Stoneground flours are appreciated above all for the irregularity of their granulometry and the presence of the wheat seed.

Flour type 1 contains bran and wheat seed. It is good for all recipes.
About 300 W.

Produced in a factory using soysesam seeds and milk.

105 Items in stock

2,20 €

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  • Ear bread

    Ear bread

    Blend the flours with the water where you blended the brewer’s yeast; add the honey, the thyme and in the end the salt. Knead until the dough will be smooth. Put the dough in a bowl, cover with a cotton rag or clingfilm until it doubled in size. After the time, upset the dough on the table, form into 3 parts and make some loafs; with scissors...
  • Chocolate cake with common wheat flour type 1

    Chocolate cake with common wheat flour type 1

    Dissolve butter and chocolate in a pot. Then stiffen the eggs with sugar and add flour ì, yeast and salt. Mix the two compounds in a pan (of 26 centimeters of diameter) with some butter and some flour cevered by oven paper. Put in thepreheated oven at 160°C for about 30 minutes.
  • Biscuits with type 1 flour

    Biscuits with type 1 flour

    Mix butter with sugar and orange peel to obtain a smooth compound. Pour eggs and flour with the yeast and salt. Knead to obtain a smooth dough, then put in the fridge for about 2 hours. Knead again the dough and roll it. Cut shapes that you like and cook at 180°C for about 12 minutes. If you want to make biscuits with cocoa add cocoa to the...


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