polenta patties
150 g of fioretto maize flour Molino Rossetto
2 yolks
4 spoons of grated parmesan
enough emmental cheese (or another type of cheese)
gluten free grated bread
olive oil
fresh parsley
Prepare polenta through the traditional way with maize flour in a bowl and let it cool. When it is lukewarm add yolks and mix the ingredients with a paddle, then add parmesan, some chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Mix the ingredients and form some pulled patties and put in the centre of each patty a cube of cheese. Put some miaize flour on them and put them on a pan with some oven paper. Dress patties with some evo oil and cook them in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes, until they become golden. Serve them hot. Picture and recipe of Chiara Rossetto, Un Tocco di Rossetto: http://www.untoccodirossetto.com/polpette-di-polenta/