Ciabatta bread
To prepare the poolish (semiliquid pre-dough): mix Manitoba flour with 0.035 oz of brewer's yeast and water. Cover the dough with cling film and leave it to rise in the fridge for 12 hours. Mix flour “0” with durum wheat bran, crumble 0.42 oz of brewery yeast and add the fermented poolish. Start amalgamating the ingredients with a spatula....LEGGITomatoes and basil's tart
With the mixer blend the leafs, with 3 spoons of water, oil and a spoon of flour. Knead the flour with the yeast, the sugar and 60 ml of water, add basil mix and the water to obtain a homogenous consistency. Let it rise for 1 hour and a half. Then roll the dough on 2 oven papers. Once you have covered the pan with the dough put the oven...LEGGICrêpe - base recipe
Pour the sifted flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl, add vanilla sugar and milk paying attention not to make lumps. Beat the batter with a whisk, add eggs and blend all the ingredients. Let the batter rest in the fridge for half an hour. Heat a non-stick pan. Add the melted butter to the batter. With a little spoon bring a little quantity...LEGGIALTRE RICETTE
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