Panini semi-integrali al latte di soia e semi di lino

  • Panini semi-integrali al latte di soia e semi di lino


200 g of Molino Rossetto “0” flour
200 g of Molino Rossetto whole wheat flour
25 g of brown sugar
25 g of Molino Rossetto flax seeds
35 g of Molino Rossetto mother yeast
30 g of extra virgin olive oil
200 g organic soy milk
10 g of salt
20/30 g of water


  • WHEAT MOTHER YEAST - 3 bgs X 1,23 OZ (35 G) EACH -


Blend the flours with brown sugar and flax seeds; melt the yeast with soy milk and add all the other dry ingredients. Add the oil, the salt melted in water and knead until the dough will be soft.

Dust the table with flour and begin to knead until the dough will be smooth and uniform. Let it rise covered in a safe place until it doubles in size.

Form the dough into 8 parts and make some small round buns; let them rise on a baking tray with baking paper and cover with oiled clingfilm.

Let them rise until they double in size.

Preheat the oven to 180°C; paint the buns with soy milk, dust with flax seeds, bake for 15-20 minutes or until they will be gold.

Let them cool on a grill.

They can be freezed in cellophane bags.

Photo and recipe by Simona - Pensieri e Pasticci.

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