Amor polenta
100 g of maize flour fioretto Molino Rossetto
100 g of flour type 00 Molino Rossetto
50 g di gluten free almonds flour Molino Rossetto
100 g of powdered sugar
130 g of butter at ambient temperature
3 medium eggs
1 pack of gluten free yeast for cakes Molino Rossetto
80 ml of macaroon liquor
Cut butter in pieces and mix it in a bowl adding some sugar gradually. Put the eggs gradually and then maize flour. Add almonds, flour type 00 and the yeast. Mix the ingredients and add liquor. You should obtain a smooth and homogenous compound. Put the dough in a mold with some butter and flour. Cook at 180° for about 45 minutes, checking the cook. Let it cool and put some powdered sugar.